Know the benefits you can get from eating cod


Cod has niacin in its composition, an important element in reducing the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. Therefore, regular consumption may bring benefits to people who are at risk of developing cardiovascular diseases.

2-Low Calories 

Cod is a low-fat, low-calorie source of protein, providing a nutritious diet. It helps maintain healthy muscles and normal cell function. 


Cod contains a significant amount of iodine, a mineral that is important for the proper functioning of the thyroid. Consuming enough iodine can help prevent abnormal enlargement of the thyroid gland, as well as associated diseases. 


Codfish has selenium, which has antioxidant power and helps protect the body's cells against free radical damage - which includes the onset of cardiovascular disease, cancer, and Alzheimer's. In addition, it can strengthen the immune system and slow the aging process. In addition, it is also able to strengthen the immune system and slow down the aging process.


Vitamin A protects eyesight and makes skin less oily, preventing acne and pimples. Vitamin B12 stimulates the body to produce new blood cells and to store red blood cells, which are responsible for carrying oxygen to the body's tissues.
